Does anybody know a small size egg with a characteristic white and black color on its outer shell? Yup, quail eggs.
In Indonesia, quail eggs are very easy to find in various traditional markets, modern markets, and vegetable sellers. Not only the taste that is not less tasty with chicken eggs or duck eggs, this quail egg also has many benefits.
Though the size is smaller, quail eggs have more nutrients than chicken and duck eggs. Well, please refer to the other benefits as follows:
- Prevent Cancer
By consuming quail eggs regularly, we actually have done make one good action to improve our immune system to be stronger to fight the growth of cancer cells in the body. Quail eggs are also very useful to increase the body’s metabolism and help increase your energy every day.
- Against the Allergies
If you have an allergy, it surely makes you uncomfortable. You can try to overcome it by eating quail eggs. This important ingredient in quail eggs called Ovomucoid can help to fight the onset of allergies in your body. Wow, how great it is. In addition, the high content of potassium and iron found in each quail egg can also make that prevent you from anemia.
- Maintain Eye Health
Who would have thought that quail eggs also have great benefits for our eye health? Well, this is what is done by one of the important substances in quail eggs called zeaksantin and lutein. Both of these substances function are to increase the percentage of blue light in our eyes by 20 to 90 percent. In addition, quail eggs can also help increase the yellow pigment in the eye so that the condition of the eye remains healthy and in good condition in accordance with the nutrients needed by the retina.
- Prevent Premature Aging
Everyone must crave a fresh skin and face like a young age. But most of them do not know that quail eggs also have great properties to stay young. Lutein is not only good for eye health, you know. The percentage of Lutein found in quail eggs is proven to slow the aging process up to 40 percent. Well, it’s better to choose the natural right. Safer and healthier.
- Overcoming Digestive Disorders
Consuming quail eggs regularly can also help us to maintain the health of the digestive tract, ulcers, and constipation. In fact, quail eggs can also help improve the performance of the nervous system to the immune system.
- Helps Development of Fetal Health
Every mother always want to provide the best nutrition for the baby starting from the womb. Thus, quail eggs have important ingredients needed by the fetus, which is the substance Choline which is able to minimize the possibility of birth defects to the risk of death since being in the womb. However, the consumption pattern must be kept in mind so that other vitamin intake can also be met.
- The Best Protein Source
In addition to vitamins and minerals, protein is one of the essential nutrients needed by our body. Proteins that enter the body function as the energy that we use for our daily activities. Well, quail eggs can provide high protein for our body as much as 13.5 grams compared to chicken eggs or duck eggs. If consumed properly, the protein content can also synergize with Choline to improve brain function.
Well, so now you know the benefits of quail eggs for your health, right? Although the size is smaller than chicken eggs and duck eggs, it turns out that the benefits are no less big. Let’s start making it a habit to live healthy from an early age to avoid various diseases and be happier.
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